
Shalom, israeliter och goyim!

Jag kommer möjligen diskutera sionismen i sig själv någon senare gång, för att beskriva vad ideologin i sig själv betyder (något som ingen icke-judisk vänstermänniska jag diskuterat saken med verkar ha förstått), men inte denna gång. Jag tänker inte heller skriva om den israeliska (hatar att de snott ordet för jude, för hur jag än säger det innebär det judiskt) statens förtryck av palestinier. Jag tänker berätta om något annat som ligger mig mycket varmt om hjärtat och som få vet om existerar: judiska fredsaktivister i Israel.
Mer specifikt New Profile, en rörelse grundad av judiska kvinnor som menar att Israel har förstört sin nationella själ (detta handlar inte om nationalstater, utan om det judiska folkets identitet) genom en övermilitarisering av samhället som tillsammans med regeringens uppmålade hotbild skapar ett aggressivt och krigshetsande folk, något som judar aldrig har aldrig förut har utmärkt sig som. Om det blir den permanenta bilden av det judiska folket, menar de (och självklart jag själv) skulle vara mycket olyckligt, och kommer att hota vår internationella existens. Den kan till och med tvinga oss allihop att bo i Israel till slut och vem vet vad det skulle leda till? Utan tvekan mer krig, då resurserna skulle bli än mer knappa.
New profile består hur som helst inte längre utav bara kvinnor, utan av judar från alla kön och samhällsgrupper som vill jobba för en avmilitarisering av samhället.

Jag fick via ordföranden för Judar för Israelisk-Palestinsk Fred detta email den 27:nde april:

Still full of sadness and anger about the violent - partly deadly - attacks of the Israeli army in Bil'in and Nil'in and also about the detention of the theatre artist Samieh Jabbarin (the trial is to begin today we have just learned that a number of Israeli peace activists have had their computers confiscated, have been called for interrogations, and have only been released upon signing agreements not to contact their political friends for 30 days.

These together with the are obviously alarming signs of a still more violent course of the new Israeli government against peace activists and Apartheid ressistors, be they Jews, Moslems or Christians be they in the occupied territories or within Israel.
The major aim is to silence and even kill any opposition and resistance. I am enclosing several letters and urgent action proposals. Please dissiminate and take action.

Dear Friends and Supporters, Over this past year I have circulated emails concerning the campaign against New Profile and our activities. The campaign, initiated in 2007 by several governmental and non-governmental bodies focuses New Profile as a legitimate movement and our work with people considering refusing conscription.
Today, as part of the ongoing attempts to disband New Profile and discredit our work, five members of our members, and another member of a different organization, were questioned regarding possible illegal activities by the Israeli Police. Their computers, and the computers belonging to other members of their families, were confiscated. Everyone was released by the end of the day and the computers that did not belong to our members were returned to their respective owners. We already know that other members of New Profile have been ordered to appear before the police for additional questioning tomorrow.
 While we support those who make a conscience decision not to conscript into the military, and provide information to those who approach us with questions related to the matter, we maintain that we are not breaking the law. We feel that New Profile is being targeted because of real changes taking place in Israeli society. We encourage the many Israelis who think before enlisting and who also question the conventional wisdom that “we have no other choice” but war. The growing numbers of Israelis that refuse to perform full military service are testimony to an unprecedented change in Israel.
This investigation into New Profile’s practices is a further attempt to silence us and proves that the in a militarized society such as Israel’s there isn’t tolerance for difference of opinion or freedom of democratic processes.
I have attached a press announcement that was circulated today and ask that you circulate it to your wider circles.
I will gladly answer your questions and forward your responses.
All the best,
Ruth (Please find PR encloed


We are asking you to contact the Israeli Attorney General to demand an immediate stop to this harassment.

The activists targeted are members of New Profile, a group of feminist women and men daring to suggest that Israel need not be a militarized society. They are being wrongfully accused of inciting young people--like the shministim--not to enlist in the army. The charge is not true.
While New Profile does not tell youngsters not to enlist, they certainly support those who do not: pacifists, those who oppose the occupation, and others. New Profile informs them of their rights and gives them legal support when necessary. But Israel is a country that does not acknowledge the basic human right to conscientious objection.

The government's accusation against New Profile is not new. It has been out there for some time, as a source of harassment. Today's police actions tighten the screws considerably. We've seen how international pressure has helped get many shministim out of jail. Now it's time to put as much pressure so that Israeli peace activists can do their work free of intimidation."

Jag skrev senare samma dag upp mig på en sida för att skicka detta förkonstruerade brev till Israels "Attorney General", Menahem Mazuz i mitt namn:

"I am writing you to request an immediate stop to the police harassment of New Profile activists.

 I understand that they have been called for interrogations, their computers have been confiscated, and they have been ordered not to communicate with one another. These are unwarranted actions against law-abiding citizens, whose only 'crime' is to advocate for a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Many thousands of people from across the globe have come out in support of young Israeli conscientious objectors. Many more will join until you stop this political intimidation."

Jag tänkte att då mitt judiska efternamn är ett ganska känt sådant, åtminstone i Israel, skulle det väga ganska tungt på namnlistan.

Den 13:nde maj fick jag svar i en PDF-fil med Israels vapen högst upp i högra hörnet. Jag har här nedtecknat innehållet i meddelandet:

State of Israel
Ministry of Justice
The Human Rights and Foreign Relations Department

Iyar 16, 5769
 May 10, 2009
Ref: 887

Dear Sir/Madam,

 Re: Investigation of "New Profile" and "Target 21"activists

We received your enquiry regarding the above and would like to address your concerns. According to information forwarded to us by the relevant authorities:

 1. The Israeli Police was instructed by the Deputy State Attorney to open a criminal investigation against the operators and the persons responsible for operating the "New Profile" and "Target 21" internet websites. The decision received the consent of the Attorney General and the State Attorney, after the materials submitted to their review raised suspicion of committing the three following offences: Incite to disobedience (Section 110 to the Penal Law 5737-1977), Assistance and solicitation for the attainment of exempt from military service by fraud (Section 99 to the Military Jurisdiction Law 5715-1955), and assistance and solicitation for the attainment of exempt from military service by knowingly providing misinformation regarding a significant detail (Section 46 to the Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version) 5746-1986).

2. The policy regarding opening an investigation concerning offences which are related to the freedom of expression is minimal. This policy was presented by the State to the High Court of Justice several times, and it had affirmed it in its rulings. However, this case is, prima facie, an exceptional case which justifies conducting an investigation.

3. Allegedly, the materials in this case, reveal a wide incitement, and include the inducement for attaining an exempt from military service by defrauding the The Human Rights and Foreign Relations Department military system, and a detailed guidance on how to execute this fraud. Therefore, the abovementioned policy does not apply to this case.

Yours Sincerely,

Assaf Radzyner, Adv.

 Cc: Hila Tene-Gilad, adv.


De "brottslingar" de beskriver står nu under åtal och förväntas få minst 4 års fängelse.

Tycker ni att det låter rimligt?
Tycker ni att det låter som ett korrekt handlingsätt för en demokratisk rättstat?
Tycker inte ni, precis som jag, att det låter som fascism?

Kommentarer är mer än välkomna ; )

Hare gött, kära vänner!

Ledsen att jag inte skrivit på länge förresten, Jag har bara haft en massa annat att göra..

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